miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016


I HAVE NOTICED after some time that these trees flower at different times even if in the same urban context, residential, parks, gardens.

Ours are no different the first photo shows the only Frangipani I have seen with seeds every other five years. The flowers remain all the time.

However the following 3 flower in order.  February, March, April...The leaves fall, as the flowers twice a year. 

The cycle is completed with the visit of Seudophinx tetrio, a moth, twice a year. One, weird habit is that those munching in the yellow seem to like only yellow flowers.  And so on..
 The problem with these nice looking caterpillars is that in the absence of leaves, they will munch on the branches...destroying some of the beauty...

At any rate, these trees are among me favorites...Only the first, flowering the whole year, was bought in a nursery, the rest propagated at home...every flower has a different scent...the yellows for example remind yours truly of peaches.

Diseases? Rust...is the only one detected so far in almost a decade...that is that...

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