martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015


Hace unos dias en Arbolado Urbano alguna persona hablaba/escribia sobre 'incongruencias'/ 'incoherencias' cuando su servidor declaraba su posicion a cualquier arbol mutilado en el monte o entorno urbano. 

Yo afirmo arrancarlo de cuajo y seacabo. Como vera el lector iniciado en estos temas, la cita cubre toda la cancha, de manera irrefutable.

Un arbol mutilado es incapaz de cicatrizar, expuesto a todo tipo de enfermedades e insectos.

Como en Espanha existe un alto nivel de bilinguismo no veo problema alguno con el ingles aqui va el asunto tomado de:
Tree Maintenance
Oxford University Press
pagina 128.

"Trees may also be topped to remove potentially hazardous dead and diseased branches which may break off during ice storms or windstorms.  Unfortunately, topping removes healthy as well as unhealthy limbs. The hazardous limbs are bes removed by selective pruning instead of topping.

Large mature trees  are often topped to prevent interference with overhead utility wires. They are also topped  when they block views, interfere with buildings or other trees, or shade solar collectors or other areas where sunlight is wanted. In some of these situations, removing large limbs may be necessary, however, alternatives such as proper early training, selective thinning out of branches and limbs or whole tree removal should be considered and adopted where feasible.

Removing much of the tree canopy upsets the crown to root ratio and seriously affects the tree's food supply.  A 20 year-old tree has developed 20 worth of leaf surface area.  This leaf surface is needed to manufacture sufficient food to feed and support 20 years worth of branches, trunks, and roots. Topping not only cuts off a major portion of the tree's food making potential, it also severely depletes the tree's stored reserves. It is an open invitation for the tree's slow starvation.

Removing the tree's normal canopy suddenly exposes the newly injured cambium to the heat of the sun, drying it out and killing these regenerating tissues back further.

Topping removes all the existing buds that would ordinarily produce normal sturdy branches.

Large branch stubs left from topping seldom close or callus.  Nutrients are no longer transported to the large stubs and that part of the tree becomes unable to seal off the injury. This leaves the stubs and that part of the  tree becomes unable to seal off the injury. This leaves the stubs vulnerable to insect invasion and fungal decay. Once decay has begun in a branch stub, it may spread into
the main trunk, ultimately killing the tree. Fruiting bodies of decay fungi are often visible on the bark of decaying trees".

Sugerencia?  No hay que opinar superficialmente sobre nada sin saber, sospechar el peritaje del otro,
para evitar quedar retratado/a en la avenida. Cual es la incongruencia/incoherencia?  Las suyas?

Suerte y exito en sus proyectos

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