sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013


WHILE reading perhaps, one of the most subtle, brutal criticism to church, religion, Phillip Pullman, states through one of the characters in The Amber Spyglass that: 'the history of mankind is one of wisdom vs stupidity'.

It is true. However, since my interest in ecoenvironmental activity is focused in action, not words, I add that most crusaders in this bandwagon are particularly stupid and narrow minded, in ISLA ESTRELLA, where they have carved their own niches with Federal Grants, lacking credentials or imagination in terms of biodiversity, meaningful activities to restore the 'natural' environment in the urban context, beyond preaching the planting of trees without maintenance and glorified by the media collecting garbage without recycling...Just moving it from underwater/surface to the local dump in black plastic bags.

Here, a couple of activities requiring a couple of tools on one hand, on the other a compromise and understanding of biodiversity.

Trimming, pruning correctly does not require a Jarvard degree, just study, research, observation, respect to the surroundings, mostly in the hands of very stupid, ignorant, lazy people, from top to bottom.

I have been taking care of 3 spaces, spots in my vicinity with great potential to do great things, however, I prefer to work solo, considering the lack of good faith and lackadaisical minds over here.

A little pruning of mostly wild weeds with my signature Cosmos in one case, and the correct pruning of a recently mutilated Murraya paniculata in Calle del Parque, not far from the feeble minded jerks in CIUDADELA..


miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013


It is pretty irritating to watch the isla estrella, submarine/surface environmental garbage collectors posing all smiles with their black plastic bags in front.  It would be more intelligent to use transparent bags, with pertinent recycling of you know what. There is no virtue in the action of moving garbage from one spot to the dump, forgive moi. The other useful activity these environmental specialists could perform,  would be to measure water quality, plus botanical inventories of plants, animals and or fish encountered in such fun, biannual activities.  That is me beef, the lack of substance, vision, long run results.  For that reason I move in  other directions, because I can, enjoy research, looking at me practice with some rigor, seriousness, lacking...in the others....

There is only the unfolding of life form, more or less genealogically related, each with a mix of characteristics. To privilege intellect or self-consciousness, as opposed to photosynthesis, poisoned fangs, or sporogenesis, may soothe ancient insecurities about humanity's place in the cosmos, but it has nothing to do with evolutionary theory and does not correspond to observable nature.
In similar fashion biocentrism brings to bear the science of ecology upon the exclusionary claims about the human subject. From the language of humanism one could easily get the impression that Homo sapiens is the only species on the planet worthy of being a topic of discourse. Ecology paints quite a different, humbling picture. If fungus, one of the "lowliest" of forms on a humanistic scale of values, were to go extinct tomorrow, the effect on the rest of the biosphere would be catastrophic, since the the health of forests depends on Mycorrhyzal fungus,  and the disappearance of forests would upset the hydrology, atmosphere, and temperature of the entire globe. 
In contrast, if Homo sapiens disappeared, the event would go virtually unnoticed by the vast majority of Earth's forms.  As hominids, we dwell at the outermost fringes of important ecological processes such as photosynthesis and the conversion of biomass into usable nutrients.  No lofty language about being the paragon of animals or the torchbearer of evolution can change this ecological fact--which is a reason enough to reiterate it as often as possible.

Mercifully, perhaps, there exist other touchstones  for appraising human worth besides ecology and evolutionary theory--philosophy, literature, art, ethics, the legacy of Renaissance and Enlightenment, for the most part, that Dryzek, Bookchin and other humanist environmentalists clamor to preserve.   When, however, the issue the silencing of nature by the rhetoric of "Man" we need to find new ways to talk about human freedom, worth and purpose without eclipsing, depreciating, and objectifying the nonhuman world. Infused with the language of humanism, these traditional fields of nature are ill-equipped to do so, wedded as they are to the monologue of the human subject.

Back in the studio, the local literature scene, novel/short story is a good token of the blind, anthropocentric mode of looking at our concrete/asphalt surroundings. Take SIMONE* for example, in thet narrative there are two meaningless instances of vegetation, everything else is about the self, total alienation, absolute disconnection, indifference from the little, dull, scarce flora/fauna still with us in most metropolitan areas of isla estrella, formerly Puerto Rico, USA.

* Rodriguez Julia, Ana Lidia Vega, Luis Rafael Sanchez, are in the same bag, it is as if flora/fauna were not part of our summer time and the living ain't easy...If you think differently check them out...

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013


DISGUSTED with the perception, invisibility of our ecology, environment, landscape and nature for many years, I suspected there must be other views from other places that would help explain/understand the hilarious, improvised, self congratulatory, posing, useless, dull, lacking aesthetics/imagination landscape maintenance and installation in ISLA ESTRELLA, formerly Puerto Rico, USA.

It goes beyond turf, palms, Ficus, the dominant trend in that area. It includes the other fads in  water-soil, garbage collection twice a year segments of the environmental niches in the concrete/asphalt isle.  The organic agriculture, urban chickens, are in the same bag. It seems  that all these groups pretending to be useful are just trying to make some money selling whatever they have at hand and/or obtaining federal grants for the heck of it.

It is hard to believe that in 2013, no private/public group,  any government agency has any knowledge/notion of one group of people in the USA, getting rid of turf/lawns in every possible, imaginable space such as highway medians/sidewalks with tons of money saved in one hand.  On the other, the substitution of grass with ground covers, self seeding plants requiring mowing twice a year or none at all.

The elimination of tractors, mowers, trimmers, blowers with gas/oil/fumes pollution, labor is also another gain when one eradicates grass from spaces in which sports are not practiced.

The carnival of garbage collection twice a year is not the only way one could be useful in terms of our urban context, nor it is planting clams/oysters to filtrate water in Condado lagoon, or  giving away and planting trees in the wrong places as every other tree planted between the University of Isla Estrella in RIO and the Nechodoma Episcopal church.

The blind fools in charge of these groups have never noticed the undulating or broken sidewalks, the mutilated branches near the electrical wires on the Ponce de Leon avenue and every other street in the metro zone.

Most people create groups with some faint idea of what ecology, the environment is, creating more problems than solutions.  Facebook has plenty of young adults with the enthusiasm of elementary children and the principal, planting in sterile/compacted soil for example, or planting this or that for profit, including earth worms, pretending to be serious about ecology, nature, environment but motivated by profits and posing in front of the little or big hole, spade in hand.

To be continued

The Ecocriticism Reader
Landmarks in Literary Ecology
Edited by Cheryll GlotFelty & Harold Fromm


domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013


THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE with meaningless, useless, irrelevant good intentions in feisbuk.  Preachers without tools, focus, perspective, rigorous systematic habits, understanding of soil, air, water, temperature, diseases pertinent to ecological, environmental issues that your humble servant is not sure to laugh, cry, or shoot the staggering amount of fools stuck with collecting garbage as the only possibility in their feeble minds to be useful.

Restoring nature, in this case, mutilated trees, perhaps the most picturesque, unique in the whole of the Puertorican isle, for the fragrance of their flowers, resistance to disease, lack of concrete breaking root system and nice canopy.

Talk is cheap. Imagine if ten people out of the thousands infatuated with garbage collection syndrome, with the right tools, understanding of pruning, could follow me. one tree at a time...

Since that logic is not going to happen, I will continue my solitary mission, without press conferences and media attention. After all they are all a bunch of retards without vision...but prone to fever recognition desires...as the incredible jerk who recently asked me, how do I want to be remembered.

The same idiot that keeps a header in his feisbuk  spot from a foreign farm....his dream...Surely, he has never shared a photo of his farm. JERK.  dream if that is all you can do

I rather set trends as I have, than look for posing or incontrollable desires for recognition....


viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013


THE MORE I LOOK AROUND, more convinced I become. All those 'educators', racketeers on the environmental bandwagon are just milking the cow, for profit/recognition, making believe to lay people, education/workshops will provide some kind of solution in 10/20/30 years to globe warming and habitat destruction.

It is cool to watch the butterfly people in Aula Verde, and every other branch of the make believe tree, to numerous to enumerate, but the greatest segment is the garbage collectors club, but that wont do.

The biggest destruction of our environment are adults, not children, therefore a little vision would demand education for employees of municipalities, private industry and homeowners.

Forget for a moment the great destruction by building/highway developers.  Habitat destruction, soil, tree, water is done by people, supine ignorant and their supervisors with trimmers, machetes, lawnmowers and diggers.

Teaching children how to build vertical gardens with wooden pallets, plant edible gardens in old polluting tires, is lame and stupid, useless and a waste of time.

Children can not use tools, in consequence being unable to destroy or restore, it would be logical to educate the culprits, those who are constantly in the field creating havoc.

that is that.

domingo, 30 de junio de 2013



EL 23 DE JUNIO, luego de semanas de constante lluvia se me ocurrio.
Disenhar una prueba simple e irrefutable para demostrar empiricamente como la ignorancia supina que padecen los habitantes de esta insula de concreto/asfalto, en todos los aspectos de la cultura, sociedad, religion, politica, educacion, economia es un abismo de garrafales proporciones.

El objeto, el metodo es sencillo. Es una franja de tierra, ver foto a la derecha, de 160 pies de largo por 16 pulgadas de ancho,-- calcule usted palido lector el area en pies cuadrados,-- en el estacionamiento del antiguo Hospital San Carlos, crecian no menos de 25 especies de plantas, enredaderas, arbustos I arboles identificados en adicion a otras 15 sin identificar.

Todo fue destruido en un instante, para el montaje circense previamente presentado en este espacio o en los otros.  Los autores intelectuales se tumbaran 150,000 toletes en 'jardines I murales'  como esa belleza que aparece oteando un horizonte de color diarrhea.
Sembrar unas 75 plantas entre semillas/division/esquejes
de unas 10 especies.
Calcular el tiempo de poda manual con las tijeras que aparecen en la foto.
Entre siembra I poda durante 5 dias, 20 minutos diarios fueron suficientes para la tarea.  Costo al erario, reconocimiento, agradecimiento: CERO.
Costo al municipio, magos/magas de 'murales/jardines' del las fuerzas oscurantistas, o satanicas diria Michael Castro?
Por lo regular son dos o tres empleados municipales o por contrato,  con cortamatorrales cuyo salario es como minimo 50 toletes al dia.
Anhada dias por vacaciones, enfermedad, dias libres.  Sumele la depreciacion del vehiculo que los transporta, la gasolina que consume I el tiempo a llegar.  Ahora calcule la gasolina/aceite en los trimmers/blowers, la contaminacion por ruido I gases.

Resultado? La destruccion total de toda la vegetacion, insectos, reptiles y aves, indirectamente al destruir su alimento/albergue.

La poda manual que llevo a cabo me permite identificar aquellas plantas que por su estetica, forma, capacidad de producir nectar  deben permanecer, reduciendo al minimo yerbas sin destruirlas en su totalidad por tener su funcion de cubresuelos evitando la erosion.  Si, palido lector, la erosion es evidente en el asfalto.

SIN EMBARGO, existe un pequenho problema, los cortamatorraleros del pais, picapalos de autopista, terroristas con trimmer no saben leer/escribir.  No tienen algun certicado en Commercial Horticulture Landscape Management, de algun jardin botanico como el de Nueva York.  Tampoco un curso de identificacion de yerbas/plantas o tres carajos, como tampoco lo tienen los arquitectos paisajistas, los supervisores de los empleados, Carmen Yulin, Liliana o el del estuario.org.

La intencion de este escrito, agua I sal para todos/as, es simple. Ante la duda, que en mi caso, es irrazonable dada la trayectoria del municipio en este espacio durante los ultimos siete anhos, es si manteniento la franja verde mas o menos cuidada, vendran los hijos de satan, terroristas con trimmer a destruir nuevamente la vegetacion.  De ocurrir eso, habria que anhadir la mala fe a la ignorancia supina genetica nacional.

Para terminar observe  estos anfibios con cuidado. Uno azul pintado magistralmente en una composicion tridimensional que parece estar vivo, pintado gratis, versus el otro que parece lapacheando en diarrea, por una parte de los 150, 000 toletes.

Pero no lo deje ahi, ignorancia supina significa lo que puede, debe hacerse I considere la bancarrota del pais.  El supermercado Selecto que se fue a quiebra en Ciudadela pagaba 55, 000 toletes mensuales de energia electrica.  Como puede cualquiera hablar/pensar/escribir sobre el desarrollo de economia alguna, cuando el costo energetico cargara con un tercio o la mitad del costo operacional?

Solo un imbecil, o aquellos de quienes hablaba Ortega I Gassett en la Revolucion de Las Masas, con un porciunculo del conocimiento en su area de trabajo/studio, se atreveria a invertir algo, o considerarlo. Para no entrar en los monumentales embotellamientos de transito insulares que acabarian por joder el costo de cualquier proyecto que requiera transporte.

Asi que si desean embarrar cuanta pared de cuanto edificio abandonado  encuentren,  como el ejemplo adjunto haganlo, es solo contaminacion visual. Pero no jodan con el medioambiente, .pretty please with sugar on top'.  Amen con pan.

PD En terminos costo/esteticos, los muchachos de la Pandilla con su peritaje, como el anfibio azul, hubiesen podido pintar algo memorable, duradero, no sobre papel, sino sobre el concreto, por cinco o diez mil dolares.   De los jardines podria encargarme yo.


sábado, 22 de junio de 2013


RECIENTEMENTE descubri--como de costumbre quien menos puede habla/escribe--a  ciertos personajes que no menciono, son decenas de canes con collar similar, i considerando el dominio de lo tozudo-obtuso en este circulo, respecto a los temas: en peligro de extinction, naturaleza, paisaje, ecologico, huertos caseros, corredores, parques de esto o aquello, biodiversidad, medioambiente, estuarios/tinglares/mangle, arquitectura, soberania agricola,  paisajista, etnobonaticos, ecologos, hidrologos I los que faltan ninguno/a siembra tres carajos ni posee alguna rigurosidad no importa el tema I las charlas que ofrecen con sin igual desfachatez.

Como puede hablar de 'construir el paisaje' alguien que permite con singular ceguera esto:

Photo is loading  Aquellas personas que se atreven a discutir estos temas deberian ser capaces de demostrar algun respeto a la inteligencia de los insulares, rigurosidad en cuanto a suelo, agua, aire, flora/fauna, naturaleza, biodiversidad. Las palabras son agua I sal, como lo seran los muralitos/jardines,  puro academicismo protagonico, solo util, saludable para los egomaniacos/as insulares.

Otra muestra de la seriedad con la cual habria que juzgar a los responsables de esta barbaridad obtusa al maximo:

Por otro lado, a quien le importa verdaderamente el entorno, el medioambiente en feisbuk, en Puerto Rico?  Cuando se ha visto a Camila I sus serruchos, declarar que las cortadoras de grama, cortamatorrales, blowers, gasolina/aceite, C02, ruidos/gases,
pesticidas, herbicidas, fungicidas, insecticidas, uso de agua potable para irrigar cesped son absolutamente incompatibles con el paisaje?
Y quienes de los mencionados/as han protestado ante la barbaridad destructiva del golf, en su puta vida?

Todos/as quienes pretenden hablar/escribir de soberania alimenticia, agricultura sostenible estan ciegos/as?  O estan inmunes a la esupidez aberrante que permea la insula? Como es possible tal indiferencia, falta de interes que realmente no requiere sino un poco de cojones/ovarios de acero, criterio, unas cuantas credenciales no vendrian mal para denunciarlo, hasta el dia del juicio final.

Un paisaje no importa si en los utopicos corredores, o los mas apremiantes/cercanos, los urbanos de concreto/asfalto, se construye con ahinco, compromiso, estudio riguroso,
teoria I praxis, como las fotitos a la derecha. No creando portales
inutiles en feisbuk sin creatividad alguna, sin otro proposito que conseguir decenas de 'like' que por cierto este servidor i la  Sociedad Horticultural Bouret  no tiene, ni pide, ni exige, ni espera, pero es absurdo que tanta gente haga click en otros portales que ni siquiera se actualizan o demuestran rigurosidad mas alla de lo personal, socializar o vender lo que tengan a mano, cabrones/as.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013


THE enemy is like any disease, it never rests, as a result I keep watching their moves, it could be a neighbor destroying the vegetation around their residence to avoid the annoying leaves sweeping required.  Or it could be Carmen Yulin's terrorists with trimmers. She has kept the tradition started by Nuno en el Uno, this one, under the pig headed representative.  http://youtu.be/MTKfeW-_xK0

At any rate I woke up with the sound of the raindrops,  a good sign for any surprise attack, since whatever is planted has a good start, no matter if by division as in this attack or by seeds, my favorite tactic.

You have to understand, the modus operandi of them enemies...one day, when least expected, machete/trimmer in hand they will destroy everything you have done...except  the knowledge of seed viability and behavior, will allow a percentage of the whole to survive since when throwing or planting any seeds, not all of them will germinate grounds at once.

With division, I cut the leaves as  short as possible, planting as deep as necessary to allow them plants to develop a root system.  Once there are some roots if you choose correctly the machete/trimmer nature butchers can only destroy the top, while the plant recovers coming back after a while.  An on and on, destruction, restoration.

This link is one of various post on the subject if you search under guerrilla gardening here, you will be able to see the trajectory.

The enemy never rests, you have to stay in shape, good stamina and physical condition, otherwise, they will defeat you.  Attack and vencera!
Them pollinators, other flora/fauna will be grateful for your cojones, even if the enemy and collaborators will laugh at your efforts while watching their useless lives fading away.

sábado, 15 de junio de 2013


Bouret Horticultural Society
2013 Botanical Inventory
Not that any one cares. I eliminated about ten species no longer at home, corrected some spelling mistakes that those concerned about my writing skills and lack off did not see or noticed not being anointed as your humble servant in the intricacies of pragmatic horticultural criticism.
If you are too tired to bother with the botanical, at least have a list ready of whatever you plant, this demonstrates that you are serious about gardening in whatever school/bandwagon you feel you belong.

Alocasia cuculata
Allamanda cathartica
Arashis hypogea
Asparagus sprengerii/densiflorus/setaceous
Aloe vera
Alternathera brasilians
Asytacia gangetica
Andropogon citratum
Antigonon leptopus

Bryophylum pinnatum
Bauhinia monandra
Brunfelsia pauciflora
Barleria repens
Bixa orellana
Canavalia maritima
Capsicum frutense
Citrus aurantifolia
Chrysothemis pulchella 
Clitorea ternatea
Carica papaya
Coccoloba uvifera
Clorophytum diurnum, comosum
Calliandra haemathocephala
Catartus roseus
Cosmos sulphereus
Commelina elegans
Cyperus involucratus
Datura stramonium
Dracaena marginata
Diffenbachia amoena, picta exotica
Dipteracantus prostrates
Duranta repens
Eucharis amazonica
Euphorbia tirucalli
Epiphylum oxypetalum
Gardenia augusta
Gloriosa rothschildiana
Hibiscus cannabinus
Hippobroma longiflora
Ipomoea quamoclit, aegyptia l.
Jathropha gossypifolia
Jasminum multiflorum
Lipia micromera
Malpighia glabra*
Merremia quinquefolia 
Mirabilis siciliana
Manihot esculenta
Murraya paniculata
Myosotis ***
Neomarica caerulea
Ochna mossabicensis
Petroselinum crispum
Passiflora , foetida**, pallida l.**
Pedilanthus tithymaloides *
Pereskia bleo
Phalaenopsis    * 
Proiphys amboinensis
Pithelobium dulce
Pseuderantemun reticulatum, carruthersi
Plectanthus amboinicus *
Pleomeles reflexa
Polyscia balfouriana, fruticosa, guilfoylei, filicifolia
Polianthes tuberosa  ***
Peperonia pellucida
Plumeria rubra, alba
Rhoeo spathacea
Rosmarinus officinale
Ruellia officinale, brittoniana, tuberosa

Sanseveria trifasciata
Serpol tuymusserpyllum
Tunbergia alata, erecta
Trimezia martinicensis
Tulbagia violacea
Turnera ulmifolia, diffusa, subulata
Tradescantia pallida, zebrina
Urena lobata
Wedelia trilobata
Zephyrantes nelsoni, citrina, grandiflora
Zinziber officinalis

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013


THE average Joe six-pack, taking a glimpse off this unusual natural installation in the Caribbean, an abandoned house for the last decade, former residence of Santana-Becerra, a supreme court justice in the 30's, visited occasionally by Antonio Paoli, now a property of some high yellow creature, would think of a jumble, intertwined mass.  But if you look closely there are 35 species, of which 25 are identified below in the west side, a wider biodiversity variety by feet than Parque Luis Munhoz Rivera, the MAC and los estuarinos mess.

Syngonium podophylum
Cajanus cajan
Jathropa gossypipolia
Cannavalia maritime
Merremia quinquefolia
Turnera ulmiforme
Tecoma stans
Passiflora foetida
Alternatera brasiliana
Pereskia bleo
Costus speciosus
Asparagus setaceus*
Barleria repens
Mirabilis siciliana
Clerodendrum   thomsonae/quadriloquare **
Vitis vinifera
Commelina elegans

I used to keep it more tidy, but got worn out knowing any time the obscure, sinister forces dominating our surroundings will destroy it as it has happened twice in the last five years. Evidently, this natural arrangement is not the rule, but a lonely exception.  The only thing I do now it to trim here and there to keep the vines in
some sort of shape dictated by them.  Some jerk once offered to spray it with herbicide.  I told him, I like it like that.

It would be nice if 8 people out of 10, could appreciate this natural garden, as some children do when the spiders arrive, building their perfectly shaped nets, but it is not the case.  Even those who should know better in the local environmental bandwagon first row: vegetarians, organic farmers, organic produce retailers, traditional farmers, Camilla Sierra Club, the eco friendly, edible garden freaks all look the other way, as the Joe six-pack in the first sentence.

This type of installation with frequent maintenance, would be more aesthetic to people with a little introspection, vision and understanding of what ecology, biodiversity really mean, besides the privacy, shade and security some kinds of vegetation would provide, safety without costly security/camera systems.

This groupe riding comfortably in the bandwagon mentioned,  are mostly hooked on $elling something: grass, palms, bromeliads, ferns and Ficus, without any concerns regarding noise, fumes and pollution, all is honky dory. The common sterile gardening school
created by landscape architects and cut/blow landscape management companies.  Their flat, silly gardens lack composition, depth, height, contrasts of color, shapes and texture as this garden kept by Sociedad Horticultural Bouret demonstrates.

Bai di guai, something similar was growing in the long flat strip of soil by the wall in San Carlos before the deaf/blind hogs of Carmen Yulin the MACestuario executioners destroyed without any purpose.

This type of installation may not be of your liking in terms of aesthetics, however, Spindalis, hummingbirds, bees, beetles, butterflies, spiders and lizards made it their home, with available nectar, insects and nest building material.

*  When digging to add this plant to my collection I got bitten by some insect from cat poop which required medical treatment.

** Courtesy of Tito Collazo, a collaborator with the MACestuarinos.

That is that


martes, 11 de junio de 2013


IT has been a lonely trek, I have to confess, the last ten years. It seems that I am the only juan noticing, informing, denouncing what is evident, as if was a seer, and the surrounding primates blind/deaf hogs going through life without either cojones, honesty, commitment with the ecology, biodiversity, environment they loudly preach about....when I look at the group as a whole, they deserve to be stoned to death for their lack of imagination and constant desire to make money out of their 'environmental' concerns in one hand, looking the other way, in the other.  Many are interested in organic crap, saving energy, urban chickens, intelligent houses for mentally retards planting turf,  and on and on.

The group of environmental do gooders is wide. They are into law, architecture, landscape, gardens and edible gardens, urban chickens, organic food,
agro fuels, But them bastards never deal with erosion, destruction of our patrimony in the urban context as this clear abuse of trees everywhere I go.

Como decia Quevedo en el Buscon, tienen ojos sin ninha...I por el parecen mirar el entorno...Puercos/as sordos. They got eyes but can not see, ears and can not hear.

Check the photos at right, imagine yourself slowly strangled to death, with open ulcers, thanks to the metal around your limbs.

that is that.
Ridiculous out of place palms
intolerant to salty breeze
burning the leaves as
the photos show.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013


SINCE me return from NY in 2002, after doing some time in that city, I noticed the exaggerated amount of palms of all kinds, most planted in wrong places, particularly close by the sea (Ballaja/Ashford avenue, Baldorioty*), with yellowish burned leaves thanks to the saline breeze, something the isle landscape, architects, ecology, environmental pundits cuchi frito circuit have failed to see/notice in feisbuk or the media.  No one complains, all is honky dory, they believe palms are beautiful, a most in every stupid installation, a thing of the tropics, of Puerto Rico.

But lets leave palms, useless, too big, unyielding, stiff, and difficult to manage to our subject, abused, mutilated, invisible trees of Puerto Rico.  You can not walk 200 meters without finding a tree of this or that mutilated in yards, sidewalks, highway medians, country or city, parks, cemeteries, schools, you name it.

These, like the homeless, street bums, stray cats and dogs are truly invisible, like gypsies/Roma people in Europe, they are there everyjuan refuses to see them.

The chosen invisible victims for this 2/3 part post series have been showing their scars for years if not decades, without any mercy from park employees or visitors.

Parque Luis Munhoz Rivera in San Juan is the Caribbean Mecca of invisible killed, dead, mutilated trees,  a sad and pathetic trend in PLMR, is to plant vines, like Photo,Syngonium to use the killed/dead as a trellis, to grow on the dead standing tree for support.

In Greek mythology, there was no greater shame than leaving a dead soldier unburied.  I would ask, demand all those environmental preachers, bureaucrats without credentials, real interest in biodiversity to get rid of them, is a shameful site.

Cut them, replace them or not, from ground level, and pretty please with sugar on top, stop the Parques Nacionales, 007 Recursos Naturales, Fideicomiso, Estuario.org, senseless gospel like crap on how nice, good are trees for the fresh air, stop giving them away to people who do not give a flying fart about trees, or nature, and often after walking 200 meters to the parking lot, throw them in the surrounding areas because they are heavy.

I know, I know, Puerto Rico is bankrupt and there are many people in debt.  Do something wise, stop planting trees if you can not, do not have the required credentials/know how, inventory of best species for the urban concrete/asphalt context, good will and commitment.  Any jerk can dig a hole, call for a press conference and appear like the idiots they are with a shovel, a sick looking bended tree and a hole.

* There is palm tree mafia selling them for millions to isle municipalities without much aesthetic or survival ratios.
That is that.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013


AFTER 5 YEARS, 'writing', around nine hundred posts,  some argue I can't, do know how, I say fine. However, the photos are worthy a 1,000 words, unless one is a blind hog,  an no one with a little respect to themselves will dispute what they represent.  I this case, a total lack of interest in our patrimony.  A mean attitude of one's responsibilities and commitment.

Today, I had the bitter/sour experience of going to San Cristobal, to inquire about who is in charge of this NPS site and the one mile away San Juan Historical Site.  The NPS employee, a dark skinned, handsome, not so bright female, sent me to El Polvorin, the header photo of Sociedad Horticultural Bouret.

I started the stroll and fifteen minutes later, F. Rovira, a chief mason, comes out of the off limits to the public office and kindly informs me that Walter J. Chavez is the superintendent. I tell him with all my charm about the erosion, compacted soil, ridiculous amount of scalped soil, consequence of the tractor/stiff deck used to mow and trimmers.  Thanking him, adding that as a mason he is innocent of the charges.

Once I got his info, I returned to the original San Cristobal NPS site, thanking the not so bright cashier, telling her Walter J. Chavez is the person I want to talk to.  Feeling somewhat foolish, she starts arguing about what she understood and what I meant...So I decided to speak English to avoid any more annoying confusion. She did not have the email address of the superintendent and there is no directory in their computer system, at least that was the response.

There is something fishy, sinister, about National Parks Service. If in doubt, try to find the email address of any of the big shots in the Department of the Interior or National Parks Service, such as picturesque Jonathan Jarvis.  Send them an email...and watch what happens. NOTHING. No juan seems to mind the store.

As I kept the intense pressure, she decides to call Mr. Chavez office to find out if he could see me. He was going to a meeting and could see me for five minutes.  I had to write down the directions from this cashier, finding the unidentified bunker, under a five centuries old ramp, with electrical access, a five minutes walk through a maze of tunnels.

I got there, pressed a button and the sinister electrical gate opened...Then one receptionist, seconds later another one, announced me and finally I got to meet the chubby, hanging jowls, 
dark skinned, non Spanish speaker from one of those territories USA stole from Mexico.

Yours truly, with a certificate in Commercial Horticulture Landscape Management, from the NY Botanical Garden, 18 hours of turf management and 16 of soil sciences,  expected some theoretical/praxis, scholarly argument/defense when I stated my mission.

Instead, Mr. Chavez, jowls swinging left to right stated: "There is erosion, there are projects" as If I would believe  there is any intention to fix permanently the problem.....from a non Spanish speaking foreigner, disconnected with his responsibility, salary and benefits.

When I mentioned the mowing tractors with a flat unyielding deck used in this San Juan Historic Site, mostly used in flat terrain or highways,
"Have you seen them"?  Responded the imported superintendent.  I tell Mr. Chavez, Tex-Mex, that I can tell from the cut if trimmer or tractors/mowers with unbalanced blades are used in non flat terrain observing the tip of the grass blade, not to get into the huge areas of scalped turf.

In brief, I told this good mannered gentleman, who had the courtesy of offering his card and the address to Jonathan Jarvis, the character chief of National Parks, that perhaps my training in the New York Botanical Garden, my certificate in Landscape Management was a scam, that his views, practices/theories and management of National Parks is right, correct, that I am wrong.

In which case, his boss with the somewhat hilarious hat, Jonathan Jarvis will certainly agree, defend, back up,  his lack of expertise, concern, intellectual performance,  regarding soil/turf management according to the photographical evidence provided.

That is that.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013


EN LA manhana de hoy observe una muchedumbre de unas 20 personas frente al antiguo hospital San Carlos, un espacio que no siendo mi propiedad he apreciado, observado,  en el cual he sembrado no menos de 25 especies con semillas/esquejes, i que regularmente han sido destruidas por cortamatorraleros, del municipio. Hoy se repitio la historia, solo que destruyeron solamente el area en la cual Carmen Yulin, ira a descorchar alguna botella de champan, que no de Palo Viejo, si el diluvio amenazante lo permite.

I cual es el gran problema preguntara algun palido lector?  Sencillo.  Los estuarinos como quedo demostrado en este post: http://noalpendejismopaisajista.blogspot.com/2013/03/recommendations-for-estuarioorg-on.html?spref=fb
no solo no saben lo que hacen en la Laguna del Condado, habiendo sembrado grama I arboles intolerantes a la brisa salina en su feudo como ilustrado arriba, ahora vienen a joder el espacio pintando tinglares, garzas en esteroides, pelicanos I demas avifauna cada vez mas reducidas por la destruccion de su habitat y de lo cual los estuarinos saben, escriben  poco o nada, ahora quieren extender su incomptencia al segmento 'jardines' sin haber hecho un inventario botanico de lo que arrancaron I poder sembrar una vegetacion igual o parecida,  que no requiera riego,  tolerante al calor/sequia, insectos...En adicion a producir nectar para aves e insectos.polinizadores, como este ejemplo:

Esa es la razon de mi ira ante la estupidez, la arrogancia, I sed desertica de protagonismo de una gente que no solo no saben lo que hacen, de lo que hablan o escriben, constantemente improvisando, sin credenciales I sin alguna publicacion donde compartan como gastan el dinero, analisis de agua, progreso riguroso de aquella fiebre de siembra de mangle que con tanto bombo I platillo se difundio en la prensa amarilla insular.

Nos jodimos ahora.  Los anfibios de agua salina/arena, o estuarinos, como aquellos animales prehistoricos que abandonaron los mares, ahora tambien invadiran nuestro espacio urbano con tonterias...paredes fachadas, pintadas con temas acuaticos desconectados del entorno asfalto/concreto predominante, en edificios destruidos/abandonados....como hicieran cuando Kennedy vino a Puerto Rico, cuando los populares solo pintaron la fachada de los aposentos de un segmento predominantemente anexionista, que da a la avenida en esa meca de caserios, Llorens Torres.

Perdonales senhor que no saben lo que hacen...Manhana u hoy les veremos en la prensa, la tele, I seguraemte en la radio. Otros embelecos con igual improvisacion, mayor envergadura, robo/fraude vienen a la mente: La CORCO, el Puerto de Ponce, los abanicos de Isabela sembrados en terrenos agricolas que no se mueven, I el abanico de Bechara...que se movie con electricidad. Cretinos.

martes, 4 de junio de 2013


LUEGO  de mi irrefutable, critica/denuncia con jumirdad caracteristica, los anfibios, entre el h2o/arena, que en la playa esta dormida, victimas de un syndrome bajuno-down,  decidieron convertirse en criaturas del concreto/asfalto, lo cual no es buena idea considerando sus 'logros' en agua/tierra descritos en el post adjunto:http://noalpendejismopaisajista.blogspot.com/2013/03/recommendations-for-estuarioorg-on.html?spref=fb

Que estos seres de la laguna del Condado, con todo su cagadero de autos, estacionados en cada espacio possible, incluyendo las areas verdes, en las ventas del carajo, hayan decidido venir a joder las paredes, hacer 'jardines', hay que denunciarlo, cabrones. Por que seguir jodiendo el entorno, como ya he descrito en el enlace arriba?

Veamos el asunto desde la perspectiva de estas bajunas criaturas.

reza la hoja suelta que aparecio en la entrada al jardin mas documentado del Caribe..En el fondo una foto con una paradigmatica mierda de pintura, ejemplo de lo que nos espera,
en alguna pared por aficionados con un cisne, gaviota, pato, no estoy seguro, seguramente algo usual en la laguna del Condado,  a la izquiera levantando el vuelo...
Aquella melodia....pa uhtedeh que son loh mioh, viene al recuerdo.... Dos gevah un varon a la siniestra, cuatro machos varoniles a la derecha.  Cual sera el valor estetico, cultural, historico, social, de esta mierda que se avecina?
Es transcendental, dada la predominante tendencia insular a  no cuestionar el valor a cualquier improvisada mierda de idea/concepto que algun pendejo con dinero, o mendigo invente, sin credenciales, la rigurosidad que la  horticultura, pintura, biodiversidad, escultura requiere, montar algun kiosko para robar, lavar divisas, lo cual ahora es uso/costumbre.
"Ese dia nos puede ofrecer su opcion sobre el uso que le debe dar
a los lotes I edificios abandonados"...jaha bilingual laugh. Aqui
dejamos, en 3ra persona que es la que.  Vea, sea testigo de lo que por el ultimo lustro ofrecimos a los puercos/as sordos/as que nos rodean.
Para comprender a cabalidad el uso de 'lotes' no hay que ir a Jarvard. Basta tener la disciplina de comprender a fondo que es el suelo, su estructura, lo que vive, haciendo possible que toda naturaleza/biodiversidad,  no importa donde, crezca I se desarrolle.
De que carajos de jardines hablan/escriben los estuarinos I sus adlateres en este proyecto: San Juan Ciudad Patria, 007 DRNA,
MAC/PR1? La trayectoria, falta de interes, praxis/teoria de todos
los anteriores es evidente, para quienes aprecian verdaderamente, entienden que el entorno urbano requiere mayor cuidado que los
utopicos, ultra pendejos entornos de corredores que Camila Fibelman/Sierra Club, vino a predicarnos de la punheta de su origen geografico.
Por tanto exijo que cuando cada cual, estudie, camine,  investigue, observe que es lo que crece, en nuestros contextos urbnos, con alguna rigorosidad sea la norma, uso  I costumbre.
Solo asi cada acto e intencion tendra alguna utilidad, no para el nuevodia/primera hora/indice,metro,  lo opuesto es comer ,mierda o gofio.  

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013


WHEN any juan receives the credentials in turf management, from institutions like the New York Botanical Garden, to observe the crude, evident lack of  commitment, maintenance of soil/green areas in a USA, National Parks institution, in El Morro, San Juan, Puerto Rico, an over m 500 years old fortress, yours truly wonders.

Is the superintendent in charge blind?  Are the employees under his command? Or is the indifferent, ignorant public?

Me wife and yours truly, visit this monument to Spanish architecture, imperialist vision, five days a week to walk, let our companion animals release their energy,

Contrary to my tradition to express criticism with recommendations at the end, this time I will go the opposite way.
These are wise, educated solutions, for those who care, with some vision, and I hope, some meaningful credentials.

Before anyjuan claims, hollering that compacted eroded soil is consequence of pedestrians/runners, on the premises, lets enumerate the equipment pertinent for maintenance.

For lawn mowing, please show some imagination. The primitive tractor used without flotation tires, compacts the soil. The huge stiff  deck is dragged without any control,  prone to scalp the soil, unable to cut according to the low/high relief, uneven  ground.  That is why many green areas in  El Morro look like crap.  The solution?

Zero-turn riding mowers capable of going 10/12 mph, with height adjustment.  Husqvarna, Ferris, Great Dane, John Deere, are some of the brands in the market.

The compacted soil demands plug aerator equipment: AERA-VATOR  AE-40E.

However,  in first place it is necessary that staff with National Parks in,  Puerto Rico to open their eyes, see, notice the ugly, really a shame, problem, that I would not be tolerated in the continental USA.  Then get the equipment and hire a superintendent with landscape maintenance credentials preferably from a serious institution in USA capable of designing a systemic annual maintenance plan, addressing the issues shown in the photos at right.

The photos in the area facing the bay are evidence of  a total lack of  concern from all employees in National Parks since this the entrance to their parking spot.  The constant erosion  washed downl the fertile soil to the entrance road where the local police parks on the grounds.  Some terraces could improve the pathetic situation, with adequate ground covers.

This lack of concern from employees, superintendent making good money has being going on for years. Show some respect for our environment, flora/fauna and solve the matter. A Harvard degree is not necessary, just good will, compromise, responsibility.


martes, 21 de mayo de 2013


MANY people may look at the photos, evidence of the crime in question, and may think, so what?
Well, if you are worried about environmental issues, organic/slow food for example, or if you are not, perhaps putting this imbecility in context may help.

Here a few words from Life in a Cubic Foot, by Edward O. Wilson, National Geographic, February 2010, page 70.
Most of the organisms in the biosphere, and the vast number of the its species, can be found at the surface or just below it.  Through their bodies pass the cycles of chemical reactions upon which all of life depends.  With precision exceeding anything our technology can match, some of the species break down the dead plant and animal material from above.  Specialized predators and parasites feed on these scavengers, and higher level specialists feed on then in turn.  The whole, working together in a constant turnover of birth and death, returns to the plants the nutrients needed to continue photosynthesis. Without the smooth working of all this linkage the biosphere will cease to exist.
In brief when Mallea/Ocampo,  gave the order to destroy all the vegetation, besides compacting the soil, arbitrarily and capriciously, all life on the soil was washed down, exterminated.

If you pale reader still have any doubts about the implications of this ecological crime, kindly check this link:

The information above, a three part post,  is taken from the most important reference there is regarding forest restoration, The Once and Future Forest, a book Mallea/Ocampo and their accomplices, Recursos Naturales et all,  evidently never heard off or had a chance to read.

It is ironic that Tito Trinidad, a former boxing champion from Puerto Rico, was fined 250,000
USA dollars for moving soil/water on his property, by Recursos Naturales, actions for which the engineer and employee were responsible.  I believe, when I look at the photos to your right, it was because he was black, not having any of the academic titles of the criminal in charge of Parque Donha Ines.

On the next episode, some of the vegetation destroyed.  When I look at the photos, can not stop thinking of Hebrews in Germany, Muslims in Kosovo.  The intention, attitude was not different.

One last word. The total salary earned by the Mallea/Ocampo tag team,  before taxes in this decade, is about a million around/or  100,000 annually.

that is that


lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013


Tanto el Parque Donha Ines como la Fundacion Luis Munhoz Marin son un paradigma del robo, fraude, bancarrota que los partidos dominantes han llevado a cabo abiertamente durante las ultimos sesenta anhos.

Sin embargo, una cosa es lavar dinero, robar sean fondos publicos o privados, con tretas, enganhos, otra muy distinta, utilizar los recursos naturales, la flora/fauna, suelo, aire, agua, con el pretexto de endemizar  pendejamente el medioambiente, sin marco teorico o practico, fundamental. 

Endemismotrasnochado.blogspot.com surgio como un medio para denunciar la imbecilidad del concepto que Mr. Areces le vendiera a los complices de la junta de directores de la plantacion LMM, 007 Recursos Naturales I el municipio, por una simple ecuacion.

Ninguna persona con credenciales, trayectoria pertinente, con algun sentido de la moral, propondria destruir toda la vegetacion existente en la superficie del suelo con la simple excusa de no ser endemica como ambos criminales, Mallea/Ocampo mantenian en el momento, sin tener en cuenta dentro de su imbecilidad, que destruian todo el suelo, la fauna que vive I mantiene esa criatura viviente productiva en sus entranhas, como diria algun poeta ambiental.

Al no haber hecho el analisis de suelo que se exige, al desmontar, se encontraron con el suelo que las fotos muestran, poco o nada practico, excepto para lo que era la intencion original, construer I asfaltar con el pretexto de que el parque inutil seria algun centro cientifico tipo celulas madre.

Ninguna persona que no sea demente, ignorante, arrogante se atreveria a escribir/hablar de endemismo alguno, solamente en cuanto a los arboles, puesto que la naturaleza es un conjunto, habitat, con plantas vasculares, hongos, liquenes, enredaderas/bejucos, arbustos, cubresuelos, pastos nativos.  Nada de eso se tuvo en cuenta.

En esta segunda parte del relato, me limito a la masacre a la naturaleza/medioambiente, no muy distinta aquellas en la que que seres humanos han sido exterminados por la unica razon de ser indeseables para otros por sus ideas/color/religion (Kosovo viene a la mente) con resultados similares. La mayoria de la vegetacion exterminada era amontonada como fosas en la superficie, desechada como basura en lugar de reciclarlae, excepto los arboles que Mr. Mallea escogia para ser triturados por capricho.

Asi que las palabras huelgan. Si Gabriela Ocampo hubiese sido agronoma, no en la imaginacion de Mallea, ni en la propia, esto que muestran las fotos no hubiese ocurrido.   

En las proxima entrega, tercera...la erosion que se llevo la capa superficial del terreno durante tres o  cuatro meses, cosa que como es sabido...una pulgada de suelo tarda mas de un siglo en formarse....lo cual fue 'resuelto' con un millon o dos toneladas de 'top soil' sin analisis, depositadas por 400 camiones,  en las immediaciones I que mayoritariamente fueron a parar a la carretera 877 I la quebrada de la plantacion LMM. No se lo pierda.

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013


DURANTE el 2003 fui testigo de la destruccion de 15 cuerdas de terreno en el Parque Donha Ines, con la complicidad de la Fundacion Luis Munhoz Marin i su junta de directores.  Recursos Naturales, el municipio de Trujillo Alto en adicion a los medios de comunicacion que con bombos i platillos anunciaban el gran proyecto que a un costo de unos 10 millones de dolares dejaron una destruccion de toda la vegetacion que cubria el suelo, flora/fauna sin un inventario botanico para poder determinar si el suenho endemico de Alberto Areces Mallea/Gabriela Ocampo seria un exito o fracaso para nuestro medioambiente, luego de destruir todo el habitat con un tractor gigantesco compactando el suelo, dejandolo expuesto a la erosion todo el entorno como puede apreciarse en las fotos.

El otro crimen inexplicable fue la erradicacion de arboles, vegetacion de todo tipo con el unico proposito de triturarla para los montajes que el Sr. Mallea llevaba a cabo para que Recursos Naturales le permitiera el alquiler de una trituradora descomunal cada cierto tiempo.

Nadie cuestionaba la correccion, proposito de tales absurdos que durante los ultimos anhos he venido denunciando en varios blogs
que por este tiempo estuve publicando.  Mallea, un academico con mas titulos que la Duquesa de Alba, no contaba con el titulo mas elemental, instalacion/manejo de areas verdes, sino en investigacion de cactaceas, lo cual demostro con su arrogante actitud, junto a su esposa que sin ser agronoma colegiada en Puerto Rico, firmo un pocoton de documentos como tal, lo cual es fraude en cualquier foro

Nunca olvido la occasion en que al ver el resultado de su estupidez garrafal al haber dejado el suelo totalmente desnudo, luego de cada aguacero,  procedio junto a su senhora a tirar semillas de Bermuda grass/Kentucky rye.

Todos esos millones de dolares, provenientes de bancos conocidos por lavar dinero i fondos publicos, no mejoraron para nada nuestro medioambiente/habitat/flora/fauna, sino un entorno reducido, sepultado bajo concreto/asfalto como cualquiera que pase e investigue podra constatar.

Lo patetico es que aun no existe alguna pagina en la web para ver que importancia o trascendencia puede tener haber colectado arboles endemicos mayoritariamente, sin contar con arbustos, plantas, pastos nativos, cubresuelos o enredaderas, i haber sembrado sin haber hecho un analisis de suelo pertinente en dicho parque.

El danho exacto jamas se sabra, no habiendo un inventario botanico previo a lo que podria calificarse como limpieza botanica, parecida al concepto 'ethnic cleansing'.  La impunidad con la que se llevo a cabo, la indiferencia de los medios deja claro una cosa.  En Puerto Rico cualquier chupatuercas puede venir a destruir nuestro patrimonio con teorias que solo tienen algun valor en las mentes enfermas/utopicas, sin credenciales de quienes solo pueden encontrar un nicho entre ignorantes, dociles i dispuestos a obtener su sueldo, sin importer las consecuencias para la flora i fauna, lo que se intentaba mejorar.

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013


HABRIA que indicar enfaticamente al lector que los Frangipanis podran ser los mas hermosos arboles de tamanho adecuado para el entorno urbano pero estos gusanos pueden convertirse en un inconveniente que no sere yo quien indique como errradicarlos por el asco/pena que me causa.

De todos modos, sepa que llegan por magia del arte, dos veces al anho, no solamente a nuestro patio, sino a todo el pais/vecindario. Comen sin parar, defecando unos mojoncitos de lo mas hermosos que parecen granadas diminutas, no las frutas, sino las otras las que estallan.

En las fotos como depositan los huevos, la gigantesca polilla en la que se convierten eventualmente, i los bellos gusanos verdinegros alimentandose los unos de los otros innecesariamente dada la descomunal cantidad de hojas disponibles. Fin.

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013


LLEVABA UN POCOTON de tiempo en el ocio horticultural, al menos el de monitor, asunto que nueve de cada diez, domina a la perfeccion ya sea para publicar alguna tonteria que el mismo porcentaje repite, o como otro segmento mayoritario, sin entrenamiento, a alguna diminuta inclinacion a la rigurosidad, que no sea aquella de llevar a cabo actividades 'medioambientales' como sembrar, regalar palitos de esto o aquello, siempre que no sea la vegetacion el tema protagonico, sino ellos/as mismos/as,  mismos avidos, desesperados de atencion/reconocimiento.

Aqui, utilizando el Diccionario Lexicografico de Puerto Rico, una joya de nuestro hablar/escritura del ayer, como guia, procedo a compartir la informacion con fotos de la coleccion  Sociedad Horticultural Bouret,  unica en la insula con tal proyecto, teoria I practica en el contexto urbano concreto/asfalto sea en Puerto Rico o Caribe.

El abeto es una enredadera con una belleza poco usual.  Es una planta enredadera cuyas hojas triangulares estan formadas por diminutos filamentos verdes.  Se emplea mucho para la decoracion, por su aspect delicado, en algunas poblaciones le llaman encaje y en otras ala de pajaro.

La familia de los llamados esparragos, que mostramos aca, son excellentes por su tolerancia al calor, brisa salina, sequia e insectos. Sembrados con alguna imaginacion, permitiran que su jardin tenga un aspecto mas alla del lugar comun predominante en la insula de concreto/asfalto: Puerto Rico.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013


A couple of months ago I rotated the Guaicum officinale in the west garden to avoid the possibility of spending my the rest of my old age, climbing a ladder and pruning the branches growing towards the electric wires in the sidewalk. http://capsicumchronicles.blogspot.com/2012/12/guaicum-officinale-180-rotation.html

The task was not easy, ball and burlap technique, requires patience,y care, digging, measures and steps.  My experience dictated, it was the only solution.   My survival ratio was perfect until then.  I had no reason to believe it will pass away except one, some species of trees/bushes,  are reluctant to be transplanted and will pass away in much higher percentages than others. RIP.

Now, what to do with the nine year old tree standing?  Since I am a vine fan, I decided to use it as scaffolding for a Clitorea ternatea and friends to see what it looks like..  In  Puerto Rico, most people use huge dead trees with the same purpose, but the aesthetics are no where to be seen,  always a Ficus with Photos. A huge dead tree should be removed, before it become food for termites or fungi, particularly if in a park, sidewalk where pedestrians gather.

The moral of the story is simple.  If one takes the death of my favorite tree in the collection,  as a mistake, the consequence is positive.  Once the intention to use it to support the vines is ripe to judge, it will remain on the premises or will certainly depart.

That is that

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013


ONE way to improve the garden, particularly in bare spots, is to use groundcovers to change the aspect for a while or permanently. I have been using these flat stones for two decades.

I am not into gravel,  popular  concrete pavers, round, soft gray stones or white, a fad now.  They never look attractive, except in rare instances when used as dry stream beds in proportion and correct context in the garden.

With very little effort these corners have been transformed and will enhance the spot as self sown plants start growing in the crevices.


GARDENING should be mostly fun, however, weeding, pruning and trimming are not necessarily in that department. For this reason when planning a garden one should make sure there is very little to do regarding those shores, unless you are in top physical shape.

Miguel Yamin, is a neighbor five houses up the street. We met thanks to his interest in plants/gardening, even though at 90 there is not much gardening he can do.  However, we have exchanged plants, back and forth.

A couple of days ago, I offered to organize the garden in front of the house, he accepted gladly, even after I emphasized that the pruning I had in mind will look somewhat odd in the beginning as it happens always when a messy installation is ordered.

I spent a couple of hours in the first act, the second will be done next week. Here a few photos of before and after, with a little reiterative declaration....Gardening should be an activity to enjoy, pleasurable and stimulating. Not like one of those blow/cut gardening jobs...always in a rush without any afterthought.

If any juan cares to know I would get rid of the horrendous Lagerstromia, in dead center of this space, ruining it in terms of perspective/focus,  mutilated with a machete once or twice a year thanks to the electrical wires close by.  I would rearrange the bushes, get rid of a couple of Ixoras and so forth.  

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013


THIS time
I am going in a different path.  Lets see what architecture is: ar·chi·tec·ture
noun \ˈär-kə-ˌtek-chər
Definition of ARCHITECTURE
: the art or science of building; specifically : the art or practice of designing and building structures and especially habitable ones
a : formation or construction resulting from or as if from a conscious act <the architecture of the garden>
b : a unifying or coherent form or structure <the novel lacks architecture.
What is pertinent to our case, "as if from a conscious act...the architecture of the garden.  These photos are evidence that any architecture school in Puerto Rico and/or their students with a degree in landscape architecture, not only lack a familiarity, notions about plants, bushes, trees in nature/urban/asphalt concrete/ natural environment, but the few they find handy are planted haphazardly violating composition, perspective, aesthetics or any intention to create an amicable, conscious, connection with the surroundings.
The school of architecture in the University of Puerto Rico sucks! No wonder every space, installation influenced by these graduates show the same tendency to dullness, turf aberrations without shade with the wrong trees Ylan Ylan one token, tens of ugly palms in a row, just like cars in a dealer, without any consideration as to size, fronds, shapes.
The sterility of the whole is a reminder of Brasilia, the monster city by Roberto Burle Marx, the only landscape architect these feeblemeninds seem to know.  http://youtu.be/Qh5d5ccG6o8

I think one, anyone should show some respect to nature, our flora and fauna, in addition to fellow humans. Looking at this photos any one with a sense of aesthetics will conclude there is nothing uglier in our surroundings.  It is a pity, there is tendency to accept as nice, good any concrete/cinder block turd or cow pie they design in cardboard/sketch...with the few fortunate ones who get a chance to participate in the construction of their monstrosities dominating the San Juan metro area and the whole of Puerto Rico.

Check them pictures, you be the judge.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013


JUST got back from one of my typical walks.  Estuario.org is some group of good will people, concerned with the cleaning and mangroves by the water side.  However, they show a total lack of wisdom, know how regarding ecological, respectful treatment to our flora and fauna when one looks at the lagoon of useless turf they have planted around their unique spot in El Condado.

Here some suggestions to get rid of all that turf as soon as possible. If they had researched the eco-region, endemic vegetation, their narrow, simplistic, polluting, blindfolded view of the scenery would have been wider, as logic, a job well done demands.

All these species below are used to restore dunes, stop erosion, enhance areas affected by human intrusion, in addition to provide
food, shelter, housing material to the local fauna, and a bonus in terms of contrasts of texture, shape, color, flowers, none of which is possible with the silly turf.

Sporobolus virginicus
Spartina patens
Ipomoea pes-caprae
Scaveola plumieri
Lippia nodiflora
Canavalia maritima
Sesuvium portulacastrum
Remirea maritima
Ipomoea stolonifera
Siden pilosa
Chamaesyca buxifolia
Tephrosia cinerea
Cyperus planifolius
Sansevieria guianensis
Didioa maritima
Achyranthes indica
Wedelia trilobata
Pectis humifusa
Mollugo verticillata
Boerhavia diffusa
Emilia sonchifolia
Dune Reforestation in Puerto Rico
A manual for environmental managers
Department of  Natural Resources
Puerto Rico
SOME people in the environmental fad/movement without credentials believe they have the bull grabbed by the horns/scrotum, but when one observes with a critical eye, trajectory, credentials, research and some rigorous stance  the
whole scheme of their actions/desires, the results are those shown in the photos at right: a waste of time/money/effort.
I do not know who was the fool responsible for planting Lagerstromias, evidently allergic to salt breeze, that is why they
look like crap.  Instead of planting Thespesias, already available close by the water or Guiacum officinale.  I can not find any sense
in this type of foolishness.
So get to work. Do the right thing, research, before engaging in
any activity only motivated with good will without fundamental
corner stones.

PD  I have had this information for thirty years.  I got it
when my interest, concern, vocation took a turn regarding
the insane destruction of Puerto Rico's flora/fauna, thanks to the evil
forces of banking/housing/highway developers still dominating
the political/economical scene down here.