sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013


THERE are a couple of things most governments and people forget in countries ruled by bankers/politicians in democracies around the world.  The financial crisis, bubble burst had to come soon or later, the destruction of what many thought their way of life, for themselves and their 'future generations'.

If there was no crisis, how could any economy absorb the constant population growth of most countries on one hand, on the other, aging population lasting more and more and more, requiring expensive care...with less and less jobs? 

Think about it...right now lets move to something that governments, people and individuals could do with imagination and commitment, little or no expense, getting rid of turf/lawns in residences and many public spaces, improving life for ourselves, our resources, our flora and fauna, no matter where you live.


Designing, installing and managing natural landscaping projects will vary in complexity and approach depending upon the nature of the site and  the project goals.  There are different degrees of natural landscaping, ranging all the way from a small native flower patch, to a full-scale replication of a plant community covering many acres.  An otherwise traditionally landscaped site may be installed with a 'natural' stormwater lagoon with a fringe of native wetland plants and upland buffer to trap sediment.

Larger projects have the most at stake, financially and visually. They require a detailed and technical planning process. Some examples of larger scale projects include corporate campuses, university lands and large community parks.


Regardless of the scope or goals of your project, there are important ethical considerations regarding how to obtain native seeds and plant material for your project garden.  Native seeds or plugs must be acquired from a reputable supplier.  It is inappropriate under any circumstances for amateur gardeners or professionals to collect seeds plants from 'the wild' except by permission of the owner or as part of a restoration program.

Collection of too many plants or seeds can seriously reduce the ability of the plundered site to replenish itself. Seed collecting ethics are rigorously followed by volunteer groups working with forest preserve districts, other owners of natural sites and professionals in the nursery business.


Planning even if informal, is a fundamental ingredient for a successful natural landscaping project.  The greater the ambition or the shorter the timetable, the more planning and  technical expertise will be required.  A starting point for any natural landscaping project is to analyze the current amenities,
opportunities and limitations of your site and articulate reasonable goals.

A basic underpinning for any natural landscaping project would be an understanding of current soil conditions.  This
knowledge will assist you with your decision about what you can plant where, since soil conditions can vary dramatically across a site.  A soil scientist, such as your local agent from the US Department of  Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service, can tell you the type of soil that you have and the kind of material from which it was derived.  The more a project is oriented toward restoration, the more it must take factors  such as particular soil conditions into account.

Prairie, woodland/savanna, and wetland/riparian projects will have different requirements and will be treated separately in this chapter, although all could exist on one site.  In addition,
this chapter will discuss  how to address stormwater management using natural landscaping integrated into a project's overall design.

 A few words for  readers in Puerto Rico
I will not pretend or give the impression that I am the one and only authority on this subject and many others related, however, let the record show that I have not seen anything in any source locally on the subject, not from phd's such as Alberto Areces Mallea, in Parque Donha Ines, thinking of endemisms as just trees and infatuated will palm trees/turf.  Or the GAIA, Agrochic,  people into the lettuce/tomato/peppers orbit,  los del Estuario, recyclers,
organic agriculture freaks and every other claque one sees on television or media in general.
Now imagine any surface covered with turf in the "Botanical" in io Piedras or Caguas, the UPR campus, the San Juan-Ponce highway median to name a few,  planted  instead with Hypogea gangetica, Barleria repens and Arashis or the one of your preference.
 Life without noise, gas/oil/fumes, pollution.
US Environmental Protection Agency
Green Landscaping with Native Plants
Chapter 4
pages 1-2
to be continued...

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